Wills & Estates

As part of my estates law practice, I regularly assist clients in estate planning so that their objectives are met and set out clearly in their Wills and Powers of Attorney. I also offer strategies to ensure that as little tax is paid as is necessary upon death.

If you have been appointed as an estate trustee/executor I will advise you about your legal obligations/ fiduciary responsibilities and provide guidance for administering the estate efficiently and effectively.

I offer estate litigation services in the event that a Will or Power of Attorney needs to be challenged, if a Passing of Accounts is required and/or if there are claims being advanced against the estate.

I can help with:

Law Practice Areas

I am capable of meeting all the legal needs of families, individuals, businesses and estates. My practice areas include:

For business law related practice areas please visit the business law portion of my website:

I also have significant experience in family law matters involving business interests.